November 26, 2015 01:07


appdownloadThere are transactions happening all the time at CoinaPhoto. From amateur to professional photographers, photos in our Market represent a range of unique visuals which all tell their own story.

 We talked to a few users in our CoinaPhoto community to gain insight into their experience with selling photos in our Market.


Th featured photo (above), playfully titled, “Friday Funday” was sold by CoinaPhoto user and professional photographer, Lisa Shalom. Born in America but residing in Italy, Lisa gets a thrill from the fact that her work is viewed by a global audience,”I’ve sold a few of my photos on CoinaPhoto and have become an advocate for them. Being a judge for the “Freedom” contest was a great experience as well! I really enjoy CoinaPhoto! I meet new people around the world and view their photos that provide me with inspiration.”



A cute, tiny bunny praying? Why wouldn’t you want to buy this photo?! Many users would agree since CoinaPhoto community member, Ashraful Arefin, has sold this photo several times via buyer downloads in our Market. “Yes, I’ve been lucky to sell some of my photos through CoinaPhoto, the first photo I sold was this one (“Thank You Lord”).  It was a great feeling and such a nice experience!”


One of the most inviting benefits of CoinaPhoto is that you don’t have to be a professional to sell your photos! Our Market is full of community members of all photography levels. We believe the photos should speak for themselves.  Andries Alberts is a wildlife photography hobbyist. He  explains his CoinaPhoto experience, “Yes, I have sold a few photos via CoinaPhoto.  I realize this is not a “get rich quick scheme”, but it gives such great joy to think that somebody out there thought my photo was worth buying.  It gives a sense of accomplishment … and puts one squarely on cloud nine.  Besides the adrenaline rush of having sold a photo, my intention, always, is to also share the beauty of nature with everyone out there.  Again, appreciation has many rewards.” 

We couldn’t agree more, Andries! Now we want you to have your own cloud nine experience…

Have you sold any of your photos through CoinaPhoto? Tell us your experience by commenting below OR chat with us on Twitter or Facebook!

Tell us your story! Email [email protected] for a chance to be featured in our blog.


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