June 16, 2014 15:07

Parmigianino, a 21 year old Italian artist painted a picture of himself in the style of today’s selfie back in 1524. This could probably be considered the first selfie in history. The artist used a barbers mirror to paint the picture which he gave to the pope as a gift. Rembrandt also contributed to one of the first selfie’s with his original humorous duck faced drawing.

Legend has it the first actual selfie taken with a camera was by amateur chemist and photography enthusiast Robert Cornelius in 1839. Robert took the image by removing the lens cap from the camera, running into the frame, stood for a second and then covered the lens back up. It took a lot of effort to take a selfie back in 1839. Oh and not to mention Paul McCartney who contributed to the ever growing selfie trend with his first self-taken shot in 1959.



Let’s not forget about the first Polaroid camera released in 1948 but the photos only really became instant in the 1970’s. Polaroid cameras were introduced for people to take more photos at arms-length to capture intimate shots.

The first modern selfie camera phone was made by Sharp in 2000 and was released in Japan. The phone had a small mirror placed beside the camera to allow users to take a selfie. On Thursday 27th January 2011, Jennifer Lee was the first person in the world to use #selfie on Instagram. The hashtag has now been used more than 80 million times on Instagram alone, that’s a lot of photos of all you beautiful people.

Even though selfie’s are extremely popular only 5% of photos shared on Instagram are selfies. The most popular location for selfie’s shared on Instagram is Manila in the Philippines with the Big Apple coming in at a close second. And despite Disneyland being the happiest place on earth, it is only the fourth most magical place on earth to take a picture of yourself.

2013 was a great year for the selfie when the word was the placed into Oxford Dictionary, as well as being its word of the year. Also in 2013 saw the first ever pope selfie as well as the first ever president selfie of Barack Obama at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service. Not to forget ‘the Oscar selfie’ when Ellen Degeneres took Twitter by storm with the most retweeted tweet ever.

It is said that women take more selfies than men and there is a difference in head tilt. Ladies tend to till their heads at 12.3˚ and men at 8.2˚. The average selfie photographer is 23.7 years old but when it comes to the over 40 selfie crowd it is predominately male.

Selfie’s have even reached space including astronauts Donald Pettit and Stephen Robinson making their best attempts. The term selfie is constantly expanding and following new trends, especially with the trend of extreme selfies. A lot of you will be familiar with Kirill Oreshkin, the Russian daredevil who loves taking insane selfies.

The question is, will the rise of the selfie continue?

Fancy uploading some selfies on to CoinaPhoto? Check out how our unique social media platform, designed specifically for amateur and professional photographers, works by watching this video.

Images used to be found online.


Maja Bogdanovic

June 25, 2014 08:20


June 25, 2014 08:20
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